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Winter has come & gone; grades have been scored & sent; & all seems calm. Even so, there’s still a tension about my exit interview. I never been the type of person who presents, I'm usually the person at back of the classroom writing an eight, ten, even a twelve page essay for that level-four I need for my REAP scholarship. In addition to having a glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, I'm also anxious who my panelists will be. I'm way more comfortable talking in front of strangers than in front of people I know.

On another topic, graduation is coming up quick; it feels as if the semester just started yesterday. I've paid for my graduation cap & gown, so that’s something. I'm not sure if I'll be able to walk in my graduation date because there’s a certain amount of classes one could miss in order to be allowed to walk. So if it comes to my having to appeal in order to walk, I will have to argue & assess my reason why I've missed so & so classes, & why I should be allowed to walk.

Looking future in the future, I've been accepted to College of Sequoias (COS), where I plan to do my general education classes. I'm planning that I will take 2 years, to complete those classes then transfer to a University of California to get my bachelors in mathematics. Along with working part time to pay for a portion of my schooling, I've completed my FAFSA & Cal Grant. Additionally, since my older sister is a former graduate from COS, she’s been giving me some tips on how to get additional help for school such as applying for COS-scholarships & enrolling in programs like EOPS & CARE.

Focusing back to the present, I'm all caught up with my classes, although, one of my teacher didn’t give me a correct score resulting my REAP earnings being lower than it should have been if I would have gotten the level-four but I've fixed that now.

My most satisfying classes I'm taking right now are Economics, Physics, and Careers in Educations. Economics is an easy class, well for me that is, because the concept of how business works & operates intrigues me. Physics, I love doing labs, where we measure the speed of sound, calculated single variables in a single equation & so much more. But Careers in Education is by far, the most fun class I have. In this secondary semester we’re attending other school sites such as the Preschool Center, Washington Elementary School, & Kennedy Elementary School. Last year I was able to go to both Washington Elementary School & Kennedy Elementary. At Washington I was Mrs. Costa’s teacher’s assistant, where I helped student with their vocabulary & their counting. At Kennedy I was a teacher’s assistant to Mr. Dixon were I would quiz students, grade tests, & did some teacher errands such as making copies, or organizing files. But now, I'm going to the Preschool Center with my partner Jessica E. where we help supervise the children spell, speak, count, & even play.

Overall, my experiences & education I've had here at Lindsay High School has made me a student & an even better learner.

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